Friday, October 5, 2012

Night John


Night John is a sad but great book.

The two main characters are Sarny, Night John, and Mammy. Sarny is a little girl. Night John teaches Sarny how to read. They're all slaves.

Their owner Old Waller whips them when he finds out they can read.  Back then it was against the law for slaves to know how to read.

 Find out more about Night John by reading Night John by Gary Paulsen.

                                                   posed by Joseph c.



  1. Joseph - I completely agree with your comment "Night John is a sad, but great book." This is one of my all time favorite books, but it makes me so sad to read about how African Americans were treated during this time. It is inspiring though, to read about how Night John is teaching other slaves to read. I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying this book.

  2. Thank you for your review, Joseph. It made me really interested in reading this book!

  3. [...] wrote about the book NightJohn (from 5th grade’s historical fiction book [...]

  4. My fourth grade daughter loves Gary Paulson's book Hatchet. I'll have to tell her about Night John. Have you ever read The Last Safe House? It's another story about slavery, but it is about a family escaping slavery via the Underground Railroad.

  5. That really does sound like a sad book! Isn't it hard to imagine living lilke that - in fear of learning? Aren't we glad for the opportunities that we all have now!

  6. What a terrible thought, not being allowed to learn to read! That's why we should never complain when it is time to do our reading homework ;-)
