Thursday, October 31, 2013

5th grade clubs Remington

The 5th grade has something called 5th grade clubs .

It is where you go on Friday if you have Team Sports you go to the Gym .

If you have Drawing club you go to the Art room .

If you go to Chorus   you go to the  music room .

Last but not least is computer lab where you get to make stuff.

My favorite one is Team Sports because you get to do stuff that you  can't do in P.E .

Hayyah - 4 Day Weekend

This weekend we get to get to get Friday,

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off. I am so

excited. My family and I will be going to Maryland to visit my uncle and my cousins. It will be so FUN! I also want to go in winter in the snow because I never have been in or seen snow. One time I went there in winter and it didn't snow when I was there but the day after I left it started to snow. Anyway I am really excited!


For the past week 5th grade has been working on spooky stories. We also advertised a haunted house. My spooky story is about two girls finding a four-legged monster. The two girls let the monster stay with them for a day until everything goes wrong. I also drew my monster, which really does not look scary. Happy Halloween!

Danaya-Halloween Day

Today is October 31, and  you know what that means: Halloween!!!!!!! That means today we're gonna have fun. For Halloween  I am gonna be Monster High. It comes with a tutu, gloves, tights, leg warmers and a head  band. I will be going trick-or-treating in different places. Today I will be going to the Boys and Girls Club. The Boys and Girls Club are having a party. Really fun right? We are going to have candy, pizza ,and fun games. It is gonna be from 2:30 til 6:00.

VERY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The TRR Cobb House- ada

A few weeks ago we took a walking field trip to the TRR Cobb House. It was really fun because we got to learn a bunch of new stuff about what it was like back then. We also learned about some of the beliefs they had and we got to do fun crafts. And personally I learned a lot about spies and what it was like for in the Civil war. And i know the 5th graders will love this field trip!

Downtown Rumpus

 Every year a few days before Halloween a big parade goes on downtown and all you basically do is dress up like something then walk around in a big group and take photos of other people's costumes.  Then when the parade is over most people go to a packed restaurant and then party all night.

  One of my favorite parts of the parade is going to a restaurant and maybe even meet new people. Plus you still get to see cool costumes. If you live in an urban part of town and  go to the Rumpus then almost everyone there you know and hang out with. They even have bands play.

Writing Spooky Stories-Ietta

  In class we had to write a spooky story in 4 days.  That means we had to pre-write, draft, revise and edit,  and copy the final draft in ONLY 4 days.  I barely got finished with writing it!!!

  My spooky story was about a girl who lost her lucky coin in the cemetery and had to go retrieve it, but on her way back to her house she ran into a zombie.  Her mom was at the house and hit the zombie with a broom and the zombie went away.   They Lived Happily Ever!!!  


  Please comment even though it was cheesy.  Thank you!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Book Fair- Ada

Last week we had book fair. It was really fun because we got to purchase a bunch of great books and a lot of of cool stuff like posters and bookmarks. It lasted 1 week and there was many book choices. and it gave teachers a chance to get books for their classroom. Also because of book fair the library  has lots of new great books for all the kids and teachers to check out. And I can't wait to get more books at the next book fair !   :)

Halloween is next week / our Halloween project -Ietta

      I think I want my costume to be a piece of candy for Halloween.   What is your Halloween costume going to be?

              In writing class we are doing a Halloween project by making flyers to sell a fake creepy haunted house.  My haunted house is recommended to witches.  What you do is you have to describe your house then draw a big picture of it on a huge piece of paper.  I am still working on my descriptive paragraph, but tomorrow I will probably draw my haunted house picture.


-Danaya-Stick Dog

I just got a new book called Stick Dog and I am loving it so far! Stick Dog is a dog that lives out in the wild. He has 4 friends and their names are, Poo-Poo, Mutt, Stripes, and Karen. They all go on different  adventures together and their books will sometimes make you very hungry. Stick Dog and his friends are 5 homeless dogs and they all are loving it.They are very interesting books. I am very sure that you will love it too.



Library Day - Hayyah

Every Thursday my class goes to the wonderful library .I love to pick out scary,funny,or mystery

books. We are doing comic strips about meeting

the ghost of our Civil War figure. I am doing

Abraham Lincoln for my for my ghost. We will be

going to the library after lunch . I can't wait to

eat and go to the library.


library Day - Anaiya A.

On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are when 5th grade goes to the library. I usually go to the library on Tuesdays. When I come to the library we go sit at the rug and listen to a story. The last one we read was about Abraham Lincoln and how he was involved in the Civil War. This week we sat at the tables to work on our comic strips about our Civil War figures. The comic strips are about meeting the ghost of your Civil War figure.We will finish this before Halloween. After we start the comic strips we start to check out books. In fifth and fourth fourth grade we are able to check out two books.

Pokemon X and Y Remington

Something big on Oct, 12, 2013 happened for Pokemon fans all around the world.

 The new Pokemon X and Y  came  worldwide.

I got the game. It's 40 dollars. That's a lot of money  but it's worth it .

They released the new fairy type, the amazing new 3D battles, and sky battles .

The new mega stone  and mega ring help that Pokemon mega evolve but for a short time.

BOOK FAIR!!! Cassius T.

      Basically Book Fair is a thing where Scholastic publishing company gives out all these books to schools and then the kids buy the books.  They have all sorts of books from toddler books to graphic novels all the way up to really fat chapter books.  I promise you that if you go to a Book Fair  you WILL find at least one book that interests you.


      I  found lots of books I liked.  The book I got was a dinosaur book.  Sadly now the book fair fair is over but the good thing is that Book Fair will come back in early 2014.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences -Ietta

    I am so excited to see my grades!  Basically, your parents come in and the teacher takes about your behavior, test grades, and any issues.  I am always good and many people are,too.  

       If you are having trouble you'll be there to discuss you troubles and issues.  That way your teacher and parents can help you as much they can.  So, that is a little summary of parent teacher conferences.  :)

Volunteering at Sanford Stadium - ADA

    A few weeks  back I  volunteered  to clean up at Sanford Stadium. It as really fun but it was also really gross because you had to pick up a bunch of disgusting  stuff. You would think that not many people would want to volunteer to clean up a stadium on their Saturday night but a lot of people showed up there was probably at least 100 people there. We did not stay there the hole time but it felt good to clean up after people! :)





Benchmark is Boring -Cassius T.

 Ugh. Today we had reading benchmark.  And it was sooo flat and boring.  Usually you finish the test itself pretty fast but then you have to sit there until everyone else is done. Then the teacher says you can read. But you only have time to read for like half an hour. I have many complaints but if you have some post in the comments and subscribe.

Remi - Parent conferences

Parent conferences is what happens  in school that you did good and bad.

It really  is when your mom or dad talks to your teacher .

Mom and dad can find out if you are doing well in class.

If you do great on all you go will to next grade.

But you have  to do your best to pass the grade.

It might  seem scary but it's not if you do go to the next grade.