Monday, October 22, 2012

after school programs

Does  your kid or friend go to after school ? If they do I think that they should sign up for  after  school activities . There are many different things to choose from.

Students can choose from Tae kwon do , art, chemistry, and lots more. Each group does  different  activities,but they all have specific days and times.The best thing is that some are even free!!!

Chandler Pendley, :)


  1. Umm- what does this have to do with ASP, Chandler?

  2. Wait!-I saw a Youtube video right below your post that looked like it was something you inserted- that's what I was referring to. I think it was an advertisement that wordpress must have inserted- it was NOT relevant. Your content was good and relevant to ASP. I wonder if there is some way to prevent the YouTube ad from popping in there?

  3. I was aware that there was an "art club" and Tae Kwon Do lessons, but I didn't know that there was a chemistry offering. That should be a really fun learning opportunity. Have you signed up for any of these?
    Mrs. Lay
