Thursday, October 8, 2015

Georgia Museum of Art

Yesterday, all of 5th grade took a field trip to the Georgia Museum of Art. It was a fascinating experience, because we got to look at a lot of different paintings, and all of them used different styles and mediums. Some of the paintings that we got to see were called "My Forbears Were Pioneers" and "The Secret." We also got to go into the sculpture garden where they had work by Alice Aycock. After we visited the sculpture garden we got to make our own art inspired by hers. Once we finished our tour, we ate lunch on the lawn at the museum. The picture below is one of the sculptures by Alice Aycock that they had on display at the museum. It is called Twists and Turns.


  1. First. Hi loved that sculpture

  2. The trip was really fun! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

    -Ms. Thompson

  3. I loved when we got to make those sculptures at the museum !
