Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Family Skate Night

On Tuesday October twenty-seventh, there was Family Skate night at Athens Skate Inn! It was a lot of fun and it was cool to see some of your teachers out of school. They had a lot of awesome songs playing and they had a girl skate and a boy skate. Also they had fun game like a dice rolling game and skating races. They also have a food court and arcade games. We could also wear our Halloween costumes and I liked to see what other classmates are going to be for Halloween. At the skating rink there was only Chase Street kids so there were not strangers that you didn't know. There is another skate night in the spring so I recommend that you go!

                                               From, Josie T.


  1. I could not make my way there. Also, I don't know how to skate.

  2. i will think about it

  3. I'm so sad that I was home sick and missed it! I'll definitely be at the skate night in the spring!!! -Ms. Thompson
