Friday, September 21, 2012

A Sandy Creek Adventure

5th grade got to go on a field trip to Sandy Creek Nature Center. 

My group went on a nature walk first. Did you know there are mushrooms in almost all colors!?!Even white ones with black polka dots. We saw a very unpleasant worm almost get eaten by flies. We also saw many Daddy Long Legs.Many people scared them away.

Next we went inside to learn more about microorganisms and do activities! I never knew cells were so weird. We got to see cells through microscopes. Another thing we did was make our own slides. I made mine with seaweed! Seaweed is very interesting,if you look at it through a microscope, there's multiples of green strings all tangled up!I was the only one brave enough to get seaweed with my bare hands, well at least in my group I was.

Then we all took a class picture and it sure was fun!


Posted By- Sofia C.


  1. Sofia - I love your description of the seaweed. It doesn't surprise me that you are the most brave!!

    Love the picture - keep up the good work - Mrs. B.

  2. It sounds like an interesting experience. How in the world did you all come across the worm being eaten by the flies?

    Mrs. Lay

  3. We saw a small wiggly creature on the ground we got closer and saw it was a worm!

  4. Thank you Mrs. Barrett!!!
