Friday, September 28, 2012

Historical Book Groups

This year we are doing historical book groups. In Social Studies we are learning about the Civil War , so that is all of the books' topics.

I'm reading Red Cap by G.Clifton Wisler. Other groups are reading NightJohn, After The Rain, and Civil War On Sunday.

Reading the books help us to make connections and are note taking. My favorite  part of book groups are taking about  what we are confused about.

We all love book groups thank you teachers!!!!!

- Posed by Camille F.












  1. Teachers love book groups too Camille! I'm glad you like talking about parts you don't understand - that is such a great way to become a better reader!

    -Ms. Thompson

  2. [...] Camille and Chandler focused more on the big picture, sharing how the groups were set up, which teachers were involved, what books everyone was reading, and their favorite parts of the book group experience. [...]

  3. Book "clubs" are very popular with avid readers. It's a great way to get different points of view and a better understanding of the books you are reading. With historical fiction (my favorite genre) you also can get a "real life" feel for what is happening to the people beyond just dates and events. I hope you enjoy the books you are reading!

  4. Book groups are so much fun! I am reading Red Cap and am enjoying it very much. Most of all I love to hear all the great comments and thoughtful questions from my group members. Ransom is a very inspiring character!

  5. [...] exponentially by our 5th grade team’s historical fiction book groups (which Chandler and Camille have been blogging about, [...]
