Friday, September 28, 2012

Sandy Creek

2 weeks ago all of 5th grade went on a trip to Sandy Creek Nature Center.

We went on a walk, and looked at a lot of fungi, some fungi were yellow, green, blue, orange, and some even were white with black polka dots. Then we sat down and talked about what color fungi we would want to be.

Then we went inside to work at cell centers. We saw bug wings through a microscope, we also got to make are own slides. We got to see all kinds of things in the microscope, sometimes we got to see something move.

After that we got on the bus and went home. And that was the 5th grade field trip to the Sandy Creek Nature Center.


posted by Joseph c.


  1. Who knew fungi could be so colorful and interesting and Isn't looking through a microscope fascinating? It sounds like a great field trip.
