Thursday, November 3, 2016

THE DEBATE,_2015_(cropped).jpg
October 19, 2016, was the debate of Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. The debate on the 19th of October was a pretty good debate, of course I did not stay up till 11:00 watching the debate but I watched it till 10:00. For the time that I was watching the debate they were mostly arguing about THE WALL, and drug lords flooding in our country, and they were also talking about gun violence and regular fist fights. Trump multiple times mentioned in the debate complaining that Hillary does not get anything done for how much work she has done over the past thirty years. I am a Hillary Clinton supporter all the way. I disagree with Trump's actions for building a wall, because it is like we are trapped in a giant cage and it is super super hard to get out of it, or for anybody to get back in it. Plus it would just change America in general. I think it is right to get all of the bad people out, but I don't agree that we should build A WALL. He also wants to lower taxes by a lot. I am going to tell you something, if America goes without taxes for one day, America will be ruined. It would take possibly hundreds of years to not be in debt. Plus I think it's about time that we have a women for president.

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