Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day! By Julia L.

Tomorrow is.... VALENTINE'S DAY!!! Today is Friday, the day before Valentine's Day. We passed out valentines this morning, and mine were little bunny erasers for the girls, and hamburger erasers for the boys. We only had a few minutes to pass them out, but everyone got it done. We all got LOTS of candy!!! One student in my class passed out little pink and red cookies! They were DELICIOUS!! In art club, we made cool valentine presents that involved stitching and I made one for my parents that  has a pink heart in the middle. I hope they like it! I made a card for my student teacher, and two pens that have flowers taped on the top with a card. I think they liked them!! I hope you have a great Valentine's Day!!

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="306"] Image from[/caption]


  1. Nice post and by the way, I like the picture of yours! caleb

  2. Thanks. -JULIA L.

  3. We Love your blog, Juj! It makes us smile BIG everytime we read it!! :)
