Friday, April 5, 2013

High Museum!!!

On Thursday,March 22,we went to another field trip to Atlanta! We went to the Georgia High Museum of Art. There are many beautiful pieces of artwork all around the museum but we mostly went to go see the famous Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera exhibit.

That exhibit goes all around the world to different museums. And the principal was so kind to let the 5th grade see the famous and beautiful exhibit! 5th grade this year has been really responsible and taking everything seriously,because our CRCT is just right around the corner and we are still having long and fun field trips.

My favorite painting/sketch was Diego’s sketch of himself.

It was very detailed and he sketched himself how he really was and not making himself look better like he really handsome. I also really liked Frida’s paintings because most of them had very good meanings. Even if there was one little bug it would still mean something.

I enjoyed going to the High Museum! It was fun and educational at the same time. Hope I can go back one day!


 Sofia C.


1 comment:

  1. I hope I make it to this exhibit before it leaves. I like that they gave the students a family pass!
