Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Goodbye, 5th Grade!

For our very last post of the year, we wanted to share some final thoughts, memories, messages, and advice from this year's 5th grade blogging team!

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What was one of your favorite 5th grade memories from this year?

Zumer: Blogging

Sofia: I really liked blogging with my friends and seeing all the wonderful comments and posts!!!

Joseph: Going to the High Museum.

Camille: Going to all the great field trips.

Chandler: Battle of the Books.

What was the hardest thing about being a 5th grader?

Zumer: CRCT.

Sofia: I think it was getting used to switching classes all the time and the homework was much harder.

Joseph: Homework.

Camille: Doing all the homework!

Chandler: All of the studying for different tests and quizzes.

What was the best thing about being a 5th grader?

Zumer: We get to do Battle of the Books.

Sofia: Being the oldest of the school and having more privileges.

Joseph: Being the oldest people.

Camille: Having more privileges and graduating.

Chandler: Having more privileges and doing Battle of the Books.

What advice would you give next year’s 5th graders?

Zumer: Work hard and you’ll make it to middle school.

Sofia: Really try hard because that will help you a lot in the future.

Joseph: Have fun because it’s not that hard.

Camille: Make sure you do ALL of your work.

Chandler: DON’T roll your eyes, smack your teeth, or back talk.

What was your favorite thing about being a 5th grade blogger?

Zumer: I get to tell everyone what happened over the week.

Sofia: Blogging with my friends and seeing all the nice comments.

Joseph: You get to skip periods.

Camille: Telling people about what is going on in the fifth grade.

Chandler: Trying to coming up with ideas and making videos.

What advice would you give next year’s 5th grade bloggers?

Zumer: Don’t make your posts too short.

Sofia: Really enjoy it because being a blogger is something a lot of people would like to be.

Joseph: Post funny things and don't play around!

Camille: Think about what you're going to post. Be prepared!

Chandler: Always edit so that readers think that you are smart.

What are you most looking forward to about 6th grade and middle school?

Zumer: Band.

Sofia:  Meeting new friends and teachers and having lockers.

Joseph: Getting closer to getting out of school.

Camille: Getting to do different activities and meeting new people.

Chandler: Meeting new people and getting lockers. :{

If you could sum up your experience at Chase Street School in one sentence, what would you say?

Zumer: Chase Street is a fun school.

Sofia: Chase Street was the best school I’ve been to!!!

Joseph: It’s the best school I've ever been to.

Camille: I got to be a better student and learn different things.

Chandler: Chase Street holds great memories.

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Goodbye from our 5th Grade Bloggers! from Tanya Hudson on Vimeo.


  1. Good bye fifth grade bloggers! I so enjoyed reading your posts and watching your videos. It always brought a little sunshine to my day! I'm going to miss you guys.

  2. Thanks for all your posts this year, bloggers! I am going to miss you all! I am sad you're leaving, but so excited about all the fabulous things coming your way in middle school. Come back and visit!

  3. Best wishes 5th grade bloggers. I've enjoyed learning about some of the things you have been doing up in the 5th grade wing this year. Have a restful summer and a wonderful first year in middle school!
