Friday, March 1, 2013

A Trip to Fernbank

On Tuesday, February 26,2013 the whole fifth grade went on a field trip to Fernbank and it was an awesome experience.

When we got there we got into groups and headed for the tour and it was really fun. First we saw a room of jewels and other really cool stuff. Then, we went into the experiment room and there were so many fun experiments! One of them there was a hologram of candy and i could not get it!!!! Arrgg!

After that we all went to the auditorium and a man did a presentation and it was super cool! He made volcano! (But not the vinegar and baking soda kind) It was a really fun.

But, I really loved eating under the dinosaurs! They were so big and it seemed like we were ants!

Finally, it was IMAX time! I walked into the room and the screen was huge! Two stories huge! The IMAX was on the animals in Alaska. It was very interesting and i hope I can see another one sometime! I had a great time in Atlanta at Fernbank. I Cant wait for the High Museum in March!

- Camille F.


  1. This sounds like great fun! Your grade is so lucky to have two great field trips back to back!

  2. Camille - I am SO glad you enjoyed the trip. I had such a blast seeing you and all the other 5th graders excited and interesting.

  3. Thank you sooooo much for taking us there!!!
