Friday, February 22, 2013

How did they do it?

This week, I interviewed the members of our 5th grade Battle of the Books team.

(Fiona wasn't here today so I will interview her later!)

What was your strategy to get this far?

Chandler: I made summaries for myself.

Bea: Being prepared.

Katie Grace:

Quinn: Read the books like any other books.

What books are you going to read next?

Chandler: I'm going to reread The Borrowers 

Beatrice: War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

KG: Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Quinn: We the Children

What books were your favorite and what books are you most excited to read? 

Chandler: My favorites were Paint the Wind and Where the Mountain Meets the Moon and I really want to read Deep and Dark and Dangerous.

Beatrice: I liked Paint the Wind and I cant wait to read Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.

Katie Grace: My favorites are Deep and Dark and Dangerous and Where the Mountain Meets the Moon.  I am currently reading where the Mountain Meets The Moon which I am really excited about.

Quinn: My favorite book was Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World.

Which books have you already read?

Chandler: Paint the Wind, The Borrowers, Red Pyramid, Cricket in Times Square, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Beatrice: The Borrowers, Deep and Dark and Dangerous

Katie Grace: The Borrowers, Paint the Wind, Deep and Dark and Dangerous, Escape!, Cricket in Times Square

Quinn: Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World, Cricket in Times Square, Red  Pyramid.

What question was the hardest for you? 

Chandler: In which book is a character pronounced "sound as a bell. Fit for anything, cavalry or artillery"?

Beatrice: In which book was there a king dressed up as a beggar?

Katie Grace: In which book does a painting say "Tell the truth?"

Quinn: In which book did a painting of a dragon come to life?

Want the answers to these questions? Read the books!

- Camille F.


  1. Great questions, Camille! This sheds a lot of light on how much preparation it takes and how that looks different for every person! That Chandler is an avid reader!

  2. Love the idea ! Yes Amy I am an avid reader. I even have a t-shirt!!!!:)

  3. [...] our school team had been chosen (you can read more about the team members’ strategies and our school’s team selection process on the 5th grade blog), we spent the last month [...]
