Friday, November 9, 2012


At Chase Street school every year we do this contest called Can-a-thon. In the contest every class collects cans and at the end whoever has the most cans wins! If you win you get to go on a walking field trip to the food bank.

The reason for this contest is so Chase Street can help the people that  live around there that can't afford to buy food for themselves. It is important because it's nice to help your community. The food bank in Athens is called The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank which they are the ones that give the food to the people.

Last year Mrs. Fielding's class won the Can-a-thon. Let's see who wins this year!!!

- Sofia C.


  1. This is a great example of one of the many ways you can support your community. Good luck can-a-thoners!

    -Ms. Kipling

  2. [...] you’re following our 5th grade blog, you may have noticed Sofia’s post about our school’s participation in a Can-a-thon to collect canned food for the Athens Area Emergency Food Bank, which helps feed families in our [...]
