Friday, November 9, 2012

Field trips

On Wednesday 5th grade is going on a field trip to the Georgia Museum of Art. Ms.Dean said that we are going o look at sculptures, paintings, drawings, etc. I can't tell you a lot about it, because it hasn't happened yet.

But I know that we are going on two big field trips, this spring. I don't know what they are, because the teachers want it to be a secret. If you read the blog this spring you probably will hear about it. 

I really want to know what the two big field trips are but I'll have to wait till spring. So that's all I can tell you about the field trips. 

posted by Joseph C.


  1. Have fun on your field trip! How mysterious - I can't wait to hear about the secret field trips. You fifth graders have a lot to look forward to!

    -Ms. Kipling

  2. I love going to art museums, but I haven't been to the Georgia Museum in a long time! That sounds like alot of fun. Wish I could go with you guys! Have a great time.
