Friday, November 9, 2012

Election Results!!

Hey guys,

The election was on November 6. A few weeks ago I took a poll and posted it. If you read it then you know that Obama won but that was only for Ms. Wilcox’s class. A few days later Ms. Hudson announced that 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade voted and guess who won? OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!! He didn't only win the school election. He won the real election.

The day before the election my class went to the library. Ms. Hudson showed us three kinds of ads the candidates made. One showed them being nice. Another one showed them telling us what would happen if the other candidate wins. The other one showed then telling us their plan for america. Ms.Hudson also told us how voting changed since the 18th century.

After the election Ms.Wilcox showed us Obama’s victory speech. After that we watched Mitt Romney concession speech. When I was watching the news I heard many people say that they voted for Obama. The reason they voted for him is because they thought he just needed more time as president. So I hope Obama has a nice 4 years as president. Bye!!!


  1. Thank you for the optimistic election coverage!

    -Ms. Kipling

  2. What kind of political ad would you prefer to see? I personally would rather hear about each canditate's plan for America.
