Friday, November 2, 2012


Are you planning on enjoying the crisp cool air of fall? Change your plans on November 6.

Did you know that elections are coming up? On November the 6 is the starting point and ending point of voting. The 2 candidates are Mitt Romney former governor of Massachusetts  and
Barack Obama going for his second term.Do you think Barack Obama should stay in office or should Mitt Romney move into the White house? You grown ups are not the only ones voting, here at Chase Street school kids are going to be able to vote as well!
Chandler P.

PS - There is a different blog post about elections!!!

ps. There is a different blog post about elections!!!

1 comment:

  1. [...] Chandler and Zumer were so interested in this year’s election that both of them decided to write about it on the 5th grade blog. Click their names to visit their posts! [...]
