Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Last Blog Post

悲しい時代が来ています. This is my last blog post, as you can see in the title. Whomp, whomp, whomp, whooooooooooommmmmppppp.

It really isn't fun when something really fun is no more. My favorite part of blogging was the fact that I got to blog with nice people who are really funny. For next year's bloggers, I would suggest to think of a blog topic before 11:30 so that you don't run out of time.

Two challenges I faced in fifth grade were the Milestones and the Benchmark tests, because they were terrible! But my favorite thing about this year were the field trips to places like Tallulah Gorge and the High Museum of Art.

For next year's 5th graders in general, my advice is to be prepared for a lot of fun and tests! Something I'm looking forward to is the clubs in middle school. Well, I guess this is it, that's all folks!


  1. I have so enjoyed following your blog this year, Tommy! Let's write together this summer.

  2. Another great post, T! Maybe you can use your journal entries from this summer for blogging next year? You are going to have some fun adventures!!
