Thursday, October 8, 2015

All About Me

Dear Readers,

Hi! My name is Penelope Anderson, and I am new to blogging. I am very excited to be in blogging, because I love to write. Here are some things about me:

1. My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Stokes.

2. I have been a student at Chase Street for 15 weeks.

3. The thing I love about being in 5th grade is all the new things that we get to learn, but the thing I don't like about being in 5th grade is all the homework we get.

4. One thing I did over the summer was I went to Maryland for my aunt Elizabeth's wedding.

5. An interesting fact about myself is that I play the violin for an extra curricular actvity.


  1. Do you like playing the violin?

    1. I do like playing the violin, but my teachers are very harsh and give me a lot of homework in which I do not enjoy

  2. Really good first post pelo!

  3. Loved the post ;) Hoped you enjoyed blogging pelo!!

  4. Nice blogging Pluto

  5. thanks guys! i'm really excited to be blogging with you guys!!!!
