Thursday, April 30, 2015

News About Chase Lately! By Julia L.

We have not blogged in a while, so here is alllllll the things Chase has been doing lately! To start off, we had the Milestones Assessments (Dun dun dunnnnn!!!). First, we had the ELA, then Math, then Science, and finally, Social Studies. (Math is my worst, and least favorite!) But finally, they're over!

And just two days ago, the first and second graders did a musical!! It was called 'Arf', and of course, it was all about dogs. It was really cute!!

And after the musical, there was the Art Show! And what that is, is when everyone picks one piece of their art and puts it in the show. It's still up right now, actually.

Now, Field Day and the Talent Show! Field Day is in 15 days!! On field day, we get sprayed with water in many, many ways! (Well to say it in a very short way.) I did the Talent Show in 3rd and 4th grade, but I'm not gonna do it this year.

The day before the last day of school, we have 5th grade Graduation!!! I don't really know what we are doing yet, but you get the idea- Graduation. And on the last day, we are going to have 5th Grade Fun Day, where we'll get pizza, go outside, and LOTS more fun!!

This was your news for April 30th... hope you enjoyed!!

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