Friday, December 5, 2014

Thanksgiving Break by Caleb

Over Thanksgiving break, my cousins came over and we played a lot. My cousins' names are Cameron and Erin. They spent one night, and they left on Friday afternoon at 12:15. We played Connect Four, Sorry, and I taught them how to play FIFA 14. FIFA 14 is a soccer video game where you are playing against a other team. You get a chance to pick your team, and they have half time. If the score is 0 to 0, you have to take the penalties. You get 6 tries, and who ever has the most shots wins the game. Then, I taught my cousins how to play the Sonic game. My cousin Cameron won second place every time and I was so proud of him for winning second place. Finally, they left at 12:15! I enjoyed playing with them, and I guess they had an awesome time too!

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="381"] Image from[/caption]


  1. Sound like you had a happy Thanksgiving. Back to work.


  2. I'm glad that you enjoyed your cousins coming to visit from Charlotte! I'm pretty sure that they had a blast too!

  3. my mentor got 4th pace in a world champ contest in fi fi 15
