On September 28 we got to meet Ben Hatke! He came to our school and told us about a lot of things he does with his books. He told us that he has two does one goes east and one goes west. He said he wants to go out one and walk all the way around the world and come back in the other door. He has many goals. He is incredible! His books are really good and very fun to read. When he was done with everything he was going to say, he did a flip. It was so cool. It was a fun day!
Thursday, September 29, 2016
We got our new clubs last week, and we got to go to clubs finally. I am in board game club with Dr. Adams. It is really fun, and we just play board games. It is really fun playing a lot of fun games like Lanterns, chess, Mancala, Code Names. The only down part is that there are in a really small room with like twenty kids playing board games. All of her games are fun but some are boring, like Mastermind and take a long time to play. But the I think that I made a pretty good choice on picking that club and you should too.
Ben Hatke Author Visit!
I am really excited to announce that Ben Hatke came to our school on the 28th of September. If you don't know who Ben Hatke is, he is an author to the most popular book Zita the Spacegirl one, two, and three. Ben Hatke has also made a few picture books in his career like the Little Robot, Nobody Likes a Goblin, and Julia's House for Lost Creatures. Ben Hatke in my opinion is the most creative person in the world. Ben Hatke has two kitchen doors facing east, and a door facing west. His dream is to go out one of the two doors and walk all the way around the world, and go through the other door, when he is finished, but he can not travel by plane. He also has made a brand new book Mighty Jack. Mighty Jack is a graphic novel. Now I am going to make my point Ben Hatke is awesome, and I would definitely recommend reading all of his books, and I think I know one of the reasons students love him. At the end of the discussion he did a back flip.
Author Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week the awesome author and illustrator of Zita the Spacegirl is came to Chase Street! He came to talk about his new book Mighty Jack.
I have already read the book and it is awesome! I do have to warn you that it leaves you at a huge cliffhanger. Be ready to read the next book because he is already working on it. He talked about his life, how he knows what to write, and what his characters are like. Here are some pictures of the drawings he made while he was here:
My favorite part of the presentation was when he was talking about his writing and when he did the cartwheel back flip. I thought he was awesome and hope he will come again soon.
I have already read the book and it is awesome! I do have to warn you that it leaves you at a huge cliffhanger. Be ready to read the next book because he is already working on it. He talked about his life, how he knows what to write, and what his characters are like. Here are some pictures of the drawings he made while he was here:
My favorite part of the presentation was when he was talking about his writing and when he did the cartwheel back flip. I thought he was awesome and hope he will come again soon.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
September 22 Specials Switch!
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Hi! Today I'm writing about how on 9/22/16, we're switching specials times with 4th grade! Our math time has been split up, and between the the two parts, we have specials, while, during the first part of math or so, fourth grade is doing specials! I thought this was better then all the math at once, so I'm thinking about asking to keep it this way! If you'd like, leave a comment, and say what you think about that! If no one comments, I'll do a petition. See ya!
Ben Hatke
Ben Hatke came to our school. Ben Hatke is an author and illustrator. He created Zita the Space Girl and a new book named Mighty Jack. Ben Hatke also has a blog. He also has created other books such as Little Robot and Julia's House of Lost Creatures. He is on tour, and Athens,GA was one of his stops. I can assume that he is a very creative person because he made up all of the characters in his book and drew them. He also he said "I have one door facing East and one door facing West, I want to go out the East door (go all the way around the world) and go in to my home from my East door." (Not quite his exact words.) When he visited he drew a picture of Zita the Space Girl that he let us keep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Field Trip To ARMC
I am telling you about the 5th grade field trip to Athens Regional Medical Center. Everybody walked to ARMC and when we got there we all went into an auditorium where the robot was and the doctors told us about the robot and then they had a drawing to see who would get to drive the robot then the people who got picked unwrapped a piece of chocolate and the doctors timed them. Then another doctor unwrapped a chocolate and fed it to someone. Then everybody left the auditorium and got robot cookies and lemonade. Then everybody walked back to the school. I loved this field trip because I love robots!!!
http://jpbond.com/img/slider/home/AthensRegionalMedicalCenter.jpg |
9/11 was a attack on the Twin Towers at the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001. It was 9/11's anniversary just less then a week ago. Terrorists flew two planes into the Twin Towers the first one at 8:46 and the second one at 9:03 am. Each tower was just over 1,350 feet tall and had 110 floors. More than 14,000 people were already there which was only part of the 50,000 people that worked there. The first Tower to be hit was the North Tower and the second one was the South Tower. Some people were trapped in the walls or in the elevators. I think we learn about this 15 years later because it was a important part of history and needs to be recognized because 2,749 people died and this is including emergency workers, airline crew members, and passengers. That day the New York Fire Department lost 343 firefighters. I think it was a very sad day and everybody that helped out should be thought of as a hero.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/National_Park_Service_9-11_Statue_of_Liberty_and_WTC_fire.jpg |
The past few days people have been honoring 9\11. Although it was a sad time we have tried to move on. Lots of family members died in this terrorist attack. The towers came down like a bullet within two hours after being attacked. It was tragedy. Josephine Harris walked very slowly down about sixty flights of stairs when she decided to stop on one of the staircases. Her feet ached and she was very tired. The building at last collapsed. The only place it didn't collapse was on her. If she would've gone any slower or faster she would have passed. One connection I have to this event is my mom was giving my big brother a bath when she heard this on the news. She was very sad. Now he is a teenager at fifteen going to boarding school, but at this time he was a baby. I wasn't born yet but I couldn't even imagine being in that building or even close to it.
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Continued From My Last Post!
Γειά σου!
Dia dhuit!
I'm continuing my last post, so I can get a picture of the trophy we won! Like I said, Jane and I contributed to getting that trophy, and now, it's here, at this school, this VERY MINUTE. We only get to keep it next year if we win again, which I hope we do.
Before I go, I'd like to just say, since the 15th anniversary was this past Sunday, remember 9/11/01.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Clubs / Specials
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New Computers!!!!
Last week we got our new computers. We all are really excited because we get to bring them home soon. Everyone can't wait to use them. They are really nice; they are Yoga e11 touch screen flip backs. They are way better than the netbooks we had. They were so slow I couldn't finish my projects. At recess everyone is talking about how cool they are and who got the form signed to bring them home.
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New Computers
We got our new computers last week. I'm pretty sure they are the coolest computers at Chase Street right now! They can do so many things such as: flip inside out, really fast, take a picture. They're super duper. I love them. Also at STEAM night we got to use the computers early. It is amazing that we get very nice things at our school. It's a blessing. Everyone works together to make sure we have what we need to do our best.
Add caphttps://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7383/9696283601_16e35f22ee_b.jpgtion |
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Ludo-3.jpg Board Games Clubs |
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Super Summer Reading Program!
皆さんこんにちは !
Today I'm blogging about the Super Summer Reading Program, and I have some AMAZING news about it!! Chase Street Elementary School has...
WON THE CONTEST FOR MOST READERS WHO GOT TO HOGWARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I told you it'd be awesome!
https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3427/3846490658_6fcfd2d7fc.jpg |
Congratulations to Chase Street, and the people who made to Hogwarts, because you helped us (that just happens to include me, and Jane)!
Auf Wiedersehen!
This is my second year at Chase Street and I love it here. I like everything about 5th grade. My homeroom teacher is Ms. Thompson. Over the summer I went to Steamboat Springs and Denver, Colorado. In Colorado I went to the hot Springs and took hikes in the mountains.
I also went to a resort in Key Largo, Florida. Fifth grade has been great so far, and I am looking forward to the rest of the year!
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Meet Madison Blakely
Hi, my name is Madison Blakely. I've been at Chase Street since I was in Pre-K. My homeroom teacher is Mrs.Wilcox. She is great. I love her. One thing I love about 5th grade right now is learning about the Rio Olympics. It's super fun! One thing I'm not really a fan of right now is math. Although some of the things we do in math are fun and my teacher is awesome, I'm not much of a fan. One thing I did over the summer is I went to Colorado with my grandma and my brother. We went to a variety of different places such as Mesa Verde. It was awesome but hot too. My brother was sleeping with his leg out of the car. Half his leg that was out his door was brown the other half was tan. It was really funny and sunny. We drove at least 6 hours a day. It was amazing but tiring too. One interesting fact about me is I have a big brother and a little brother. I also have a big sister. Both of my big siblings don't live with me. My big brother goes to boarding school, and my big sister lives with her mom. Another interesting thing about me is my mom is a special ed teacher at Cedar Shoals. My dad is a milkman for Mayfield Dairy. That is a couple things about me.
Meet Cooper
My name is Cooper. I am in Mrs.Wilcox's. Class she is really nice. My favorite thing about being in her class is that she teaches a really fun writing lesson. What I like about school is P.E. Coach Whaley is really nice and she always puts together really fun lessons and games to play. I also play football for the YMCA
in my free time. At recess I play soccer for fun and I did play on a team for about 8 years. I also play basketball for the YMCA. All the sports I play are really fun. My parents are architects, and they own their own company designing houses and buildings for people and companies. I think this year is going to be awesome being a blogger.
in my free time. At recess I play soccer for fun and I did play on a team for about 8 years. I also play basketball for the YMCA. All the sports I play are really fun. My parents are architects, and they own their own company designing houses and buildings for people and companies. I think this year is going to be awesome being a blogger.
Meet Niko C.
My homeroom teacher is Mrs. Stokes, and I know everybody is saying oh Mrs. Wilcox is the best teacher in fifth grade that you can get, but I disagree on that opinion. I think Mrs. Stokes is a very good teacher as well. I have been a student at Chase for 7 years now. The one thing I love most about being in fifth grade is that we have specials right in the morning, I just think the day flies by faster when you have specials in the morning. What I did over the summer was, I traveled a lot. First I went to Bosnia which is in Europe to visit my grandparents, and next I went to Sweden to to see my aunt. Then I went to Iceland just for fun. After that I went back to Sweden then from Sweden to home. Then I went to Costa Rica with our friends. In my free time I go mountain biking with my friends at Trail Creek. This is all about me!
I'm Phoebe, and my homeroom teacher is Mrs. Stokes. I have been at Chase Street for seven years. One thing I love about 5th grade is that the teachers give us a long time to read. One thing I don't like about 5th grade is ALL OF THE HOMEWORK. One of the things I did over the summer was go to Maine. One interesting fact about me is I help take care of goats and chickens.
All About Oliver
My homeroom teacher is Ms. Thompson and this is my first year at Chase Street. What I love about fifth grade is PE because of all the cool games we play. What I don't like about fifth grade is NOTHING!! because it is so fun. I went on a three week long trip at the beginning of the summer and went to a bunch of national and state parks like Mammoth Cave National Park. I have chickens in my back yard and they are so cute! Some of them will even let you pick them up.
Lilly is Here for 2016-2017!
Hi everyone! I'm Lilly (The Fifth Grader with the double Ls) and I'm a blogger here on Top Frogs! You may know or have heard of me if you're at this school (Mrs. Hudson is my aunt and my dad became Ms. Fielding's parapro this year), but either way, I'll tell you some about myself.
My teacher is Ms. Thompson this year, and I've been at Chase for six years now (A.K.A., since kindergarten), and my fave thing about here is.... okay, I'm not sure, I guess I love everything. I don't really dislike anything, but I'm not a huge fan of the school's pizza (no offense). I went to Disney World and Universal Studios this summer, and I had a GREAT time. Another thing is, I LOVE CATS. Some of my favorite foods are banana, taco, and practically any sort of candy, including coffee flavors. My favorite board game is probably Chess, or Chutes and Ladders. One final thing is, my hobbies are finger knitting, games (video and board), and coding on Scratch!
See you guys soon!
Lilly M.
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